As with most D&D inspired games, each champion has Basic Stats.
In Raid:Shadow Legends they are
HP Hit points or Health Points - This is a measure of how close to death your character is
ATK Attack - This is the base factor in a champion's ability to lower the HP of opponents
DEF Defense - The ability of your champion to reduce incoming damage
SPD Speed - The speed at which initiative accrues for this character. During the course of a battle speedy characters get in more turns than their slower counterparts
C.Rate - Not all attacks are the same. "Lucky shots" aka critical hits do more damage and may trigger additional benefits et. al.
C.Damage - When one does get in a critical hit this stat determines the amount of bonus damage scored
RES - Resistance this governs the champion's ability to "shrug off" enemy attempts at placing Debuffs
ACC - Accuracy this governs the champion's ability to place debuffs and land attacks of their own.