Participate as Early as possible[]
- Losing is fine in the beginning
- Just participating in the lowest level Tag Team Tier still nets you 400 Gold Bars every week. These can be VERY useful in the Bazaar Bazaar.
Look for the easy bouts[]
- Look for teams where the leader has no aura or one that doesn't function in the arena
- Try to have your leaders with a SPD Aura. A hard hitter is no use to you if they've been felled before they can deliver their first attack
- Avoid teams with Speed Leaders when the power ratings are close
- Click on the portraits of any unfamiliar opposing tag team members - try to learn and avoid the Arena Nemeses
- Early on you might want to keep your own Tag Team Arena Defense team low-powered.
- That will allow your Offense Team to farm Gold Bars more easily.
- Don't be afraid to "choose your battles." Beating easy teams will still gain you Gold Bars that can be very useful in the Bazaar
Best two outta three is still a win of sorts[]
- If you can't see any obvious 3 outta 3 victories on your list look for situations where your two best tag teams might beat their two worst tag teams. You get credit for every bout you win. And several
Advanced & Daily quests only require you to participate in a particular type of bout... not win it.
Spend your Winnings in the Bazaar[]
- Whilst the currency is always gold bars, the items on offer vary depending on your Tag Team Tier
- There are 10 Bronze Tier Items on offer
- There are 6 Silver Tier Items on offer
- There are 6 Gold Tier Items on offer